Teaching Assistant

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About the role

We are looking for an enthusiastic, creative, and dedicated Teaching Assistant (TA) to join our team. We want to recruit someone who thrives in a busy learning environment and seeks to enhance the experiences of our children. We welcome applications from both experienced TAs and those who are aspiring and ambitious.

Visits to the school are very welcome. Please contact the school office at 01582 767939 to arrange an appointment or to speak with the headteacher.

The Lea is committed to safeguarding children and young people. All candidates will be subject to a satisfactory Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

Please note that we reserve the right to make an appointment before the closing date, so early applications are encouraged.

Contact details

Tracey Berry , Headteacher
The Lea Primary School and Nursery Moorland Road Harpenden
Hertfordshire AL5 4LE

Telephone: 01582 767939
Fax: 01582 462945
Email: admin@lea-pri.herts.sch.uk
Website: www.lea-pri.herts.sch.uk
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