HR services
In Hertfordshire 98.8% of schools and academies subscribe to the HR Services provided by HFL Education.
We understand that a school workforce is its biggest asset and our team are passionate about supporting school leaders to recruit and develop great people to deliver great outcomes.
The HR Services team at HFL Education provides high-quality advice and guidance on employee relations and personnel matters to schools and school staff.
The service specialises in advising on employment issues, including sensitive cases arising from:
- Absence management
- Disciplinary issues
- Grievance
- Capability
- Organisational change, including redundancy situations
- The Equality Act
The HR Services team is also responsible for creating and publishing model HR policies, procedures and guidance for schools, in consultation with recognised trade unions and professional associations. These and other useful resources are available on the HR Portal of the HFL website.

Alongside the advisory service, The HR Services team offers a consultancy service and business partnering. By working side by side your setting, we can tailor bespoke training needs to ensure that you and your team can undertake routine HR tasks in the future.
We have also negotiated special rates for HFL schools with a number of external business services partners, including health and wellbeing and financial services. You can find details of these here HR Service (
Please contact the HR Service team for more information on email: or tel: 01438 544463