Hitchin Boys' School "Striving for Excellence"

Secondary North Hertfordshire District




Hitchin Boys’ School is a high achieving, all-ability, single sex school with over 1,300 pupils (aged 11-18) on roll and a mixed sixth form, which forms part of the  Hitchin Schools’ consortium. 

We want all our pupils to leave Hitchin Boys' School having had a rich and fulfilling experience that enables them to enter an ever-changing world being Strong and True.  We want them to leave as ambassadors for the future, embracing our core values to make a positive difference, leading and shaping the communities and world they encounter.  We want them to have strength of character and a versatile and agile mind.  Through this, they will flourish.

The school honours our history, but is also ambitious for our future, and strives for excellence by ensuring we have:

* A school where everyone matters; the whole community can be true to themselves and others

* High Expectations

* Aspirational outcomes

* First rate opportunities underpinned by high quality resources.

Teaching and learning remain at the heart of everything we do.  Pupils are exposed to a broad and challenging curriculum, drawing on the very best practices and research.  We review out provision ensuring every key stage provides academic rigour, breadth and depth, whilst promoting strong literacy and oracy skills.  Through personalisation we will ensure all members of the school community can fully access and participate in the curriculum.

School video

