
TES Institute

Straight to Teaching is provided by Tes Institute, a leading teacher training and development provider. So far they have helped over 2,000 school staff on their journey towards QTS and offer a range of training and CPD courses for teachers and schools. Since 2019, HFL Education have partnered with Tes Institute to make this route available to suitable staff at a discounted rate within the Hertfordshire area. 

Teaching assistants who join the programme through HFL Education will receive a 5% discount on their fees, with the code HFL5, which must be entered into section 1.3 on the online application form.

Read more about the programme here.

Straight to Teaching

If you’re a graduate and are working as a TA or unqualifed teacher, Straight to Teaching can help you to take the next step in your career and become a qualified teacher without leaving your current school.

Start dates

Straight to Teaching is a flexible programme with start dates throughout the year, so you can start training at a time that is right for you and your school.

Programme length

Your programme will vary in length from one to five terms depending on your existing teaching experience. If you have at least two years’ teaching experience you may be eligible to go straight to QTS assessment via our Assessment Only (AO) route, and gain QTS in as little as 12 weeks.

Course delivery

The programme is delivered through a blend of online and in-school experience, support and assessment, and we’ll provide you with expert advice, support and guidance every step of the way.

Tutor support

An experienced personal pathway tutor will work with you and your school to create a personalised QTS preparation plan and timeline, and offer support and guidance throughout your programme.

Quote HFL5 to receive your 5% discount on course fees:

Straight to Teaching programme length

Total fee

Fee without VAT

Assessment Only route



Low QTS preparation (1 to 1.5 terms) and QTS assessment



Medium QTS preparation (2 to 3 terms) and QTS assessment



High QTS preparation (4 to 5 terms) and QTS assessment



Subject to exceptions, VAT will be charged at the rate of 20 per cent. Where the school, rather than the individual agrees to pay all or part of the tuition fee you may be able to recover VAT. Schools may consider meeting the tuition fee and making their own arrangements, if they wish to do so, with the individual concerned.

It has become increasingly difficult to find initial teacher training routes that enable graduates to train in a specialist setting alongside mainstream experience. When we discovered TES Straight into Teaching it was exactly what we needed to ensure that we could provide high quality training and encourage the development of our future special school teachers.

The route is flexible with regards to start times which works for both the trainee and school. It also takes into account unqualified experience and tailors the length of the course to the trainee. The modules available cover all key areas including aspects of special needs and again allows schools to work with trainees in a flexible way in terms of timings.

Our experience of the Straight into Teaching route very much supports our school ethos and enables us to provide high quality mentoring to support trainees and identify strengths and key areas for development and understanding of pedagogy.

The route supports our school to work with trainees and personalise their training to ensure all of the teacher standards are being met before the assessment period. We very much recommend this route into teaching for special schools and trainees. 

Neil Ward, Headteacher, Amwell View School and Specialist Sports College


Enquire with Tes Institute  today and find out more about the programme.