Leader at desk

Leadership qualifications

Gaining qualifications

Hertfordshire values its teachers and leaders and recognises that it is important to provide opportunities for continuous professional development which may lead to further qualifications.

National Professional Qualifications

Alt textNational Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are the most widely recognised qualifications in the education sector for current and aspiring leaders. Accredited by the Department for Education (DfE), NPQs provide training and support for teachers and school leaders at all levels. From those who want to develop expertise in high-quality teaching practice, such as behaviour management, to those leading multiple schools across trusts.

NPQs are available for teachers and leaders who want to develop their knowledge and skills in specialist areas of teaching practice.

There are 4 NPQs for teachers and leaders who want to develop their expertise in specialist areas of teaching practice:

  • Leading teacher development – learn how to become a teacher educator and successfully support teachers in your school to expand their skills

  • Leading teaching – learn how to lead the teaching and learning of a subject, year group or phase

  • Leading behaviour and culture – learn how to create a culture of good behaviour and high expectations in which staff and pupils can thrive

  • Leading literacy – learn how to effectively teach and promote literacy across the whole school, year group, key stage or phase

The leadership NPQs are:

  • Senior leadership – develop your leadership knowledge and expertise to improve outcomes for teachers and pupils in your school

  • Headship – develop the knowledge that underpins expert school leadership and apply it to become an outstanding headteacher

  • Executive leadership – develop the expertise you need to become an outstanding executive leader, leading change and improvement across your group of schools or multi-academy trust

  • Early years leadership – develop expertise in leading high-quality early years education and care, as well as effective staff and organisational management

Whilst an NPQH is not an essential requirement for the role of headteacher, many aspiring leaders do choose to undertake this training, which provides excellent preparation for school leadership.

For further details including a list of all accredited training providers, please see: National professional qualifications (NPQs) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

The National Award for SEN Coordination (NASENCO) is offered through the Eastern Partnership (SEND), administered through HFL Education and accredited by the University of Hertfordshire. For further information about this award please visit: www.easternpartnership.co.uk


If you are interested in engaging in a Masters degree programme you can approach any university, but locally the University of Hertfordshire is always interested in the development of local professionals and was ranked 1st as the best university provider for Teacher Training in the UK (NSS, 2020-21). 

HertsCam has a formal partnership arrangement in place with HFL and offers the MEd in Leading Teaching and Learning accredited by the University of Hertfordshire. This involves being part of a network of other like-minded professionals also engaged in improving education through teacher leadership.