Routes into Early Years
A career in early education and childcare will enable you to support young children as they learn and develop, helping them to become confident, capable learners building skills and knowledge for lifelong success. It is rewarding, full of variety and offers progression and different career paths as you grow in experience and confidence.
You can find a summary of training opportunities offered at our local Further Education colleges on the Herts Opportunities Portal.

You may also benefit from the following training provided by HFL Education. The EYFS e-Learning Induction Programme includes 4 modules of self-paced e-learning, which can help new and returning Early Years staff build the skills they need to be effective Early Years practitioners.
By clicking the , you will receive a Teach in Herts discount for the course.
You can check if qualifications are full and relevant to work in Early Years here Check an early years qualification - GOV.UK
This map from the DfE shows how a career in Early Years might look, and you can find out more about routes into working in Early Years on the DfE webite here.

In Hertfordshire you can also access a dedicated level 3 apprenticeship in Early Years, delivered jointly by HFL Education and Sporting Futures. Contact for information.