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  • Take the leap. It is such a rewarding career which opens the door for so many other steps.

    Read Sasha's story

  • Seeing children make progress both with their learning and socially and emotionally. It’s amazing to be a part of their growth.

    Meet Class Teacher Melissa

  • You cannot bottle the feeling that a student can give you when you make a difference in their life.

    Meet Kate

  • Keep the children at the centre of everything you do. Be friendly, polite, kind and honest. Have integrity and stand by what you believe. Work hard and laugh a lot.

    Meet Headteacher Cynthia Rowe

  • I am looking for teachers... with a real commitment and drive to support and work with young people, to think the best of young people to provide them with the best possible start in life.

    Meet Principal Robin Newman

  • Apply for a role that looks interesting, even if it is not exactly what you were looking for - once you work in a school, there are always new opportunties being created and chances to use your existing skills to develop a role further.

    Caroline's story

  • I get to work with different people and children every day… every day is different

    Meet Teaching Assistant Ekhnaam