Classroom 2

Meet Class Teacher, Ellie

Meet Class Teacher, Ellie

Meet Class Teacher, Ellie

Please can you describe your journey into working in education?

I knew for most of my teenage years that I wanted to work in the education sphere, but I didn't quite know where I would end up in this field. I completed a BSc in Education at the University of Southampton and found that I most enjoyed being in the classroom. I then gained a PGCE qualification from the Institute of Education where I met likeminded people and had an amazing time. From there, I gained my first teaching post at Oakwood Primary school and the rest is history! I am still working at the same school 5 years on.

What are the key things you love most about your job?

  • I love that every day is different - one day you are dressed up like a dragon reading your favourite book and the next you are zooming down a zip line.
  • You see the difference your actions make.
  • The joy children bring to the day is infectious.
  • The people you work with. Their values are your values so you can find some of the best friends and have a laugh.

What advice would you give to someone who is looking to work in a similar role? 

Do it! I heard a lot of negative stories when I started telling people I wanted to be a primary school teacher. Some of the stories were right - the job is hard, and it can be challenging when you care so much about what you are doing. But from my experience the fun outweighs the challenges.

Also, find a school to work in that is right for you. I was lucky to fall into a school that regularly asks about my career progression and have given me so many opportunities to advance my career like becoming behaviour lead and head of a key stage.

Do you have any suggestions on how Herts Schools can make their vacancies more attractive to candidates? 

Encourage schools to offer school visits for prospective teachers.