Leader at front of room

Meet Headteacher, Simmerjit

Meet Headteacher, Simmerjit

Simmerjit is excited to be starting her new role as Headteacher at Knebworth Primary and Nursery School and joins us to discuss her career so far. 

Can you describe your journey into teaching (how did you qualify, what have been the key steps along the way)?

From a young age I had always wanted to be a Teacher so I could nurture and inspire young minds and future generations of children.

Representation is also close to my heart and through my journey I want to show children and adults from all backgrounds that they too can achieve their dreams and be successful - just as I have.

History and English have always been passions of mine so I completed a BA degree in History and English followed by a Primary PGCE and a Masters in Education. (I completed my Masters part time whilst also teaching full time!)

I joined Knebworth as a NQT and have been fortunate enough to have held the positions of Assistant Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Acting Headteacher and I am so proud to have been appointed Headteacher of Knebworth School from September 2024.

I am also currently undergoing my NPQH qualification which I am thoroughly enjoying. The opportunity to listen to expert speakers in the education field, network with senior leaders outside of my setting, delve into evidence based resources and reflect with my performance coach has been incredibly rewarding and I would whole heartedly recommend this qualification to other leaders.

What support do you get as a headteacher in Hertfordshire?

As a new to post Headteacher my school will be subscribing to the HFL's Moving to a New Headship programme to support me in my new role. This is a comprehensive support and training package which includes one to one sessions and advice from a Professional Partner who is another Hertfordshire Headteacher and this will be an invaluable source of support as I transition into my new role.

Schools in Hertfordshire can also access school improvement support from HFL's School Effectiveness Advisors who are an excellent source of support to senior leadership teams.

Lastly, I am also a part of the Stevenage Headteachers group who meet regularly and are a wonderful support network for one another.

Why would you recommend becoming a headteacher in Hertfordshire?

Hertfordshire has always had a reputation of being proactive and being on the cutting edge of what is happening in education. HFL are aware of the challenges that schools are facing and creatively look for ways in which they can support schools.

HFL also offer a extensive training programme with access to many renowned public speakers and figures within the world of education. In particular, their Great Representations programme was excellent and probably one of the best pieces of CPD I have had the privilege of being a part of in my career.

As a headteacher, what are you looking for when recruiting new teachers?

When looking for new Teachers, I am looking for someone who will put the children at the heart of everything they do. Someone who has high expectations, has a passion for education and someone who will ensure that all children are included, feel valued and feel represented. I also look for someone who will embody our school values and ethos and be a positive role model within our school community.

What support is available to staff at your school (from within the school or elsewhere)?

At Knebworth, we are passionate about staff and their professional learning and as such we will always invest in all our staff. When staff join us we take the time to find out the areas in which they wish to develop so we can build a bespoke package of support. We also have a robust induction process in place which provides staff with the necessary support they need to thrive in their roles.

We are fortunate to have an excellent staffing team at Knebworth and within our team we hold a wide and extensive range of knowledge, skills and specialisms which all staff can access. We utilise coaching, mentoring and informal day to day conversations to support one another. Lastly, we truly are a team at Knebworth and are a like a family with all staff looking out for one another and working together as a team and this is what makes working at Knebworth so special.

Is there any additional support available to school staff from minority backgrounds (BAME, LGBTQIA+, disabled etc)?

As a school we believe in inclusion, equity, equality and representation. Everyone is valued and represented and we work hard to celebrate difference and promote inclusion in all that we do. Staff are encouraged to lead in areas they are passionate about and staff regularly signpost one another to pertinent resources, blogs, videos etc to support everyone with life in Modern Britain.