Provision Lead - The Acorn Centre

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About the role

The Service is funded by Hertfordshire County Council but responsibility for the leadership of the Service lies with Warren Dell Primary School, which is part of the Agora Learning Partnership. Warren Dell offers an outstanding and inclusive education to children. The successful candidate will become part of the leadership team at Warren Dell Primary School.

The Primary Behaviour Support Service is based at the Acorn Centre; a beautifully refurbished building, designed to meet the needs of the children and families who spend time there. The building is located in South Oxhey, Watford; near to Warren Dell Primary School.

This role will appeal to someone who is highly inclusive, ambitious for all children and passionate about helping children to reach their full potential. It also requires a dynamic, motivated and dedicated leader, who can work positively with the staff team to deliver this crucial service.

I hope you find the information in this recruitment pack useful; however, you may like to find out more about the role. I am more than happy to talk through this opportunity. Visits to the Centre, prior to application, are also warmly welcomed. Please feel free to contact me at


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