Midday Supervisory Assistant

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About the role

We have a vacancy for a Midday Supervisory Assistant.

We are seeking to appoint a cheerful, friendly individual to be part of our lunch time team to supervise and support the children during lunch break both in the dining hall and outside on the playground.

You would be required to work Monday to Friday from 11:45 am to 1:15pm. We are particularly interested in candidates with an enthusiasm for play who are willing to use their own initiative to make playtimes fun, enjoyable and safe for children. This role is vital to the smooth running of lunchtimes and to assist children in gaining the skills of independent and co-operative play and their emotional wellbeing.

This post is for 7.5 hours per week, 5 days a week, term time only and paid on the HB1 pay scale.

Sarratt Primary School are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.


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