About the role

Oxhey Wood is a highly inclusive school, where every child is valued. It is a place where every member of the staff team is committed to raising educational standards and delivering the highest quality of education. The success of the school has been formally recognised in the most recent Ofsted inspection reports found here.

This role will appeal to someone who is ambitious for all children and passionate about supporting children to flourish through the provision of a high-quality, enriched curriculum that is relevant and meaningful.

If you are a dynamic senior leader who sees themselves making local decisions to meet the needs of children, whilst playing a positive role in our Partnership overall, then we look forward to receiving your application.

I hope you find the information in this recruitment pack useful; however, you may like to find out more about the role. I am more than happy to talk through this opportunity. School visits prior to application are also warmly welcomed. Please feel free to contact me on HR@agoralearning.co.uk to arrange either of these.


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