Early Years Teacher

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About the role

We are looking for a part time Nursery Teacher on a temporary basis for the summer term, five mornings a week.

Main Purpose: To take responsibility for standards of learning, teaching, curriculum provision and pastoral care within the nursery:

Responsibilities and main duties:

  • To take responsibility for the welfare and safety of all the children in our nursery.
  • To promote positive behaviour from children and to assist in establishing good standards of behaviour throughout the nursery.
  • To work closely with other members of staff to establish the highest standards of achievement, within a learning environment which reflects current excellent practice for very young children.
  • To be an effective nursery teacher, planning and implementing appropriate learning experiences within a stimulating learning environment.
  • To promote equal opportunities for all.
  • To be sensitive towards children’s individual learning needs and make appropriate educational provision for children with SEN.
  • To plan, organise and resource a classroom environment which will facilitate children’s autonomous, independent learning and enable children to maximise their full potential.
  • To establish and maintain good partnerships with colleagues, parents and carers, outside agencies and children including good home-school links.
  • To monitor children’s progress, keep meaningful records and evaluate performance through formative assessments in line with school policy.
  • To communicate and consult with parents and carers and with outside agencies, as necessary about children’s progress and attainment.
  • To be responsible for developing and maintaining appropriate resources and equipment, preparing the classroom indoors and outdoors and ensuring that it is safe, clean and tidy at the start and end of each session.
  • To manage and work collaboratively with Learning Support Assistants.
  • To contribute to effective team practice by attending and participating in staff meetings and in-service training.
  • To provide full written reports to inform parents of children’s progress and targets.
  • To ensure that the health and safety of children and staff is maintained during all activities, both inside and outside the school.
  • To maintain high levels of confidentiality both in and out of school.
  • To be a positive role model to others, by undertaking all tasks with a positive and supportive attitude and to contribute to a positive ethos for learning.
  • To promote our school values and the distinctive Christian Ethos of our school.


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