To deputise for the SENCO in matters relating to SEN, as and when appropriate
To support the SENCO in leading the provision for SEND within school.
Support the process of access arrangements in collaboration with the Examinations Officer and SENCO, ensuring compliance with JCQ regulations.
Respond to consultation letters within the statutory timeline, following the Code of Practice as directed by the SENCO.
To manage appropriate resources for SEND and Learning Support and ensure that they are used efficiently, effectively and safely.
To support the SENCO in managing the implementation of an inclusive curriculum delivery.
Within the context of the academy’s aims and policies, work with the SENCO to develop and deliver in intervention groups and support.
To provide all those with involvement in SEND, the support, information and development necessary to sustain motivation and secure improvement in learning.
To support the learning of students as allocated by the SENCO and in coordination with the Heads of Year.
To manage and maintain provision maps and student provision plans.
Ensure that the academy meets all our statutory and legal duties in relation to students with Special Educational needs.
To support the SENCO with the application of Educational Health Care plan Needs assessments.
Ensure the school complies with Section F of all students' EHCPs
To support the achievement and progress of all SEND students
To support the attendance of students with SEND.
Raise awareness of the needs of SEND pupils within the classroom
Provide support and training to trainees and newly qualified teachers in relation to pupils with SEND
Liaise with other agencies and professionals as appropriate