About the role

Job description

Job title:

Deputy SENCo

Start Date:

Easter 25


Scale: MPS Point: Dependent on qualifications and experience


TLR 2B (Currently £5,568 24-25 Scales)

Hours / weeks:

Part time 0.6/0.8 (Full time contract negotiable)

Contract type:

Fixed Term 1 Year

Reports to:


Responsible for:

At least 6 x Learning Support Assistants (LSA)

Job purpose
  • To assist in managing the provision for students identified as having Special Educational Needs (SEN); including promoting high quality teaching, effective use of resources, and high standards of learning and achievement for all students.

  • Assisting in leading the work of the SEN team.

Line management responsibilities
  • To line manage and complete the appraisal process for at least 6 x LSAs as directed by the SENCO and Headteacher.

  • Promote teamwork and to motivate staff to ensure effective working relations.

  • Advise, contribute and, where appropriate, coordinate the professional development of staff to increase their effectiveness in responding to pupils’ with SEND

Main responsibilities
  • To deputise for the SENCO in matters relating to SEN, as and when appropriate

  • To support the SENCO in leading the provision for SEND within school.

  • Support the process of access arrangements in collaboration with the Examinations Officer and SENCO, ensuring compliance with JCQ regulations.

  • Respond to consultation letters within the statutory timeline, following the Code of Practice as directed by the SENCO.

  • To manage appropriate resources for SEND and Learning Support and ensure that they are used efficiently, effectively and safely.

  • To support the SENCO in managing the implementation of an inclusive curriculum delivery.

  • Within the context of the academy’s aims and policies, work with the SENCO to develop and deliver in intervention groups and support.

  • To provide all those with involvement in SEND, the support, information and development necessary to sustain motivation and secure improvement in learning.

  • To support the learning of students as allocated by the SENCO and in coordination with the Heads of Year.

  • To manage and maintain provision maps and student provision plans.

  • Ensure that the academy meets all our statutory and legal duties in relation to students with Special Educational needs.

  • To support the SENCO with the application of Educational Health Care plan Needs assessments.

  • Ensure the school complies with Section F of all students' EHCPs

  • To support the achievement and progress of all SEND students

  • To support the attendance of students with SEND.

  • Raise awareness of the needs of SEND pupils within the classroom

  • Provide support and training to trainees and newly qualified teachers in relation to pupils with SEND

  • Liaise with other agencies and professionals as appropriate

Other Duties

  • Ensuring that accurate and detailed records are kept of meetings and discussions with 4 and outside agencies.

  • Ensuring that staff are kept informed of students’ needs and advise on areas to develop and support.

  • Using data effectively to identify students who are seriously underachieving and where necessary create and implement effective plans of action to support those pupils.

  • To provide guidance to staff on the choice of appropriate teaching and learning methods to meet the needs of different pupils.

  • To work with the SENCO to promote an inclusive curriculum.

  • To liaise with and inform parents/carers about the specifics of the provision for their child under the direction of the SENCO.

  • To monitor the progress of students and advise the SENCO.

  • Assist with the supervision of pupils out of lesson times, including before and after school and at lunchtime.

  • Attend staff meetings, parents’ evenings, INSET sessions and similar important functions both in and out of normal Academy hours, and participate in the main Open Day for prospective parents and pupils.


  • Support and foster the aims of the Academy.

  • Make themselves familiar with the contents of the Staff Handbook, the Academy’s aims and policies and endeavour to follow these closely.

  • Carry out such duties, including cover for absent colleagues as per the academy policy.

  • Notify their line-manager as early as possible if they are going to be absent from the Academy.

  • Attend relevant in-service training each year, after obtaining the consent of their line-manager

  • Take part in the Academy’s performance management scheme and appraisal.

The duties and responsibilities listed above describe the post as it is at present. This role will be reviewed annually as part of the performance appraisal process and the post holder is expected to accept any reasonable alterations that may from time to time be necessary.

Westfield Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of Children and Young people. To meet this responsibility, we follow a rigorous selection process. All successful candidates will be subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check.

Person specification


Essential (or expected to train / qualify to that standard)


  • Polite and courteous

  • Confidentiality, probity, discretion & integrity

  • Excellent time management, with the ability to prioritise workloads effectively

  • Strong verbal and written communication skills

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

  • Organisational skills

  • Understanding and sensitive to others

Qualifications & training

  • Recognised Teaching Qualification

  • Post Graduate Qualification

  • Evidence of further advanced study or research

  • Evidence of recent professional development

  • Leadership qualifications / An NPQ/NASENCO Award

Relevant experience

  • Experience of working in a school setting

  • Appropriate experience in administration

  • Proven track record of working within a team

  • Excellent IT skills (Google work space, email, internet etc.)

  • Knowledge of MIS( SIMS/Go4Schools) database

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills

  • Flexible working and ability to multitask

Knowledge, skills & abilities

  • Problem-solving skills and the ability to come up with creative solutions to issues

  • Able to work with a team, take direction from others and collaborate effectively

  • Willingness to learn new skills and acquire new areas of knowledge

  • Ability to plan, organise and prioritise effectively to meet deadlines

  • Efficient, organised and meticulous

  • IT literate with good typing skills and confident using a range of programmes, including Google

Personal qualities

  • Strong people skills, fair minded and able to communicate well to a variety of audiences

  • Able to interact effectively with staff, parents, students and outside agencies

  • Team player, willing to share in key decision making


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