St. Adrian's is an oversubscribed one form entry Catholic school on the south side of St Albans. We are supported by experienced and active governors and parents who are engaged in their children's learning. Working together we are committed to high standards of achievement and continuous improvement whilst creatively trying to maintain our work/life balance! We have delightful children and a very happy working environment. Our last OFSTED inspection identified that:
- Governors are committed to and ambitious for the future of the school. They provide highly effective support and appropriate challenge to school leaders.
- Staff morale is high, resulting in a shared drive and vision that ensures that pupils achieve well from their different starting points.
- Relationships between pupils and teachers are strong. As a result, pupils enjoy school, take more risks in their learning, and work hard to succeed.
- The school has excellent relationships with parents, who feel very well informed and are overwhelmingly supportive.
- The behaviour of pupils in lessons and around the school is exemplary. The school is a calm and orderly environment where pupils work and play harmoniously together.
St Adrian's Catholic school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and the successful candidate will be DBS checked.