Southfield is a primary school for approximately 100 pupils with Learning Difficulties, which include, Autism, Speech Language and Communication Needs, Global Developmental Delay and other conditions. It is situated in South Hatfield.
Admissions are via the Local Authority, and the present criteria is that children are accessing learning approximately 50% below their chronological age. We follow the EYFS and Key Stage 1 National Curriculum and adapt these to meet the individual interests and needs of our pupils. We do this through a 3 Phase curriculum that is presently being developed. Priority is given to communication, self-regulation, independence and functional Literacy and maths. We use a wide range of approaches and strategies to support learning, including multi- sensory communication, social stories, TEACCH and Hertfordshire Steps. We also work with a range of other professionals, from advisers in the Local Authority to Therapists and social care colleagues. Access to sporting and creative arts organisations, provide a range of enhanced learning opportunities, both in school and the local area.
Southfield is going through a period of rapid and exciting change, that you could be part of. It is a journey of challenge, in the pursuit of excellence but one that provides huge rewards both personally, in your professional development and also when you see the difference you make to the lives of our young people and their families.
You will join a team that is always learning and finding creative ways to problem solve; that has the focus of what they do and why they do it, on our young people.
School video