Richard Whittington Primary School "ASPIRE - QUESTION & REFLECT - RESPECT & CARE - COLLABORATE"

Early yearsPrimary East Hertfordshire District



The Richard Whittington School is a vibrant exciting Primary School in Bishop’s Stortford.  We currently have 309 pupils from Nursery to Year 6.  There are 11 classes.  Nursery has its own building but the children spend a significant amount of time learning outside and often mixing with Reception. The school benefits from significant parental support a committed Governing Body and dedicated staff; all of whom are committed to providing the best opportunities for all our pupils.

As a school we believe in the right of all pupils to achieve their full potential.  This means that we are continually asking questions about the way we deliver the curriculum and thinking of new and exciting ways to engage children in the learning.  The most important element of education for me, as Headteacher, is that we stimulate children’s interest in learning and then provide them with as many different opportunities as possible.  If we can switch children on to the excitement of discovery, of learning for learning’s sake and the enjoyment of knowing things at primary school, then we have set them up to be high achieving, well-rounded pupils.  We provide children with the chance to take risks in a safe environment.  This might be the chance to try new things, the chance to get things wrong without fear of ridicule or reprimand, or just the chance to see the world in a different light.   Children who take risks are the ones who achieve most success as they learn from their mistakes.  

School should be one of the most amazing times of your life because everything is new and undiscovered.  As a school we want to promote that feeling of wonder when children come into the classroom.  We want them to expect to learn and discover new things and to work hard to achieve more.  We have high expectations of ourselves and the children and only want the best that we can possibly offer in all aspects of education.

I hope that this philosophy excites you and gives you an insight into the culture that we are building at the Richard Whittington Primary School.  If you have any questions or queries please contact us.
