Northaw School is situated in a small village with stunning and surprising views overlooking Great Wood in Hertfordshire. As a Voluntary Aided Church school our approach is guided by our Christian family ethos that is inclusive and welcoming to all faiths as well as to those who do not attend Church.
With just over one hundred children we are able to offer a personal approach to each child's education, enabling every child to achieve his or her best. Embracing our 6Rs, we value each child's contribution to the school whether it is academic, sporting, musical, creative, interpersonal, helpful, cultural or spiritual.
The school has an extensive playing field, a hard surfaced playground, wild areas for Forest School and a peaceful reflection garden. We are lucky to have a well- stocked library and a well-used art studio, which are used in school and after school.
We have four classes, each with two year groups: Foundation Years, Key Stage 1, and two Key Stage 2 Classes. There is a high quality mix of experienced and new teachers and strong well-qualified support staff who enjoy working together.
We reward and encourage good behaviour, good manners and helpfulness. All children are expected to wear the approved school uniform. We feel that it helps the children to feel part of the family of Northaw CE Primary School and it helps to promote unity and a sense of ownership.
We encourage home learning and the support of parents and carers. We encourage parental participation and involvement in all aspects of the school. When they have the time to spare, we invite parents to share their talents with our children.
Our Governing Body is proactive and supportive. Our PTA organises events that are fun for the children and raise valuable funds for the school.
As a small school we believe it is important to keep in close contact with our neighbours. The school is very much at the centre of the village and the church community and likewise the church community supports events at the school.