Chater Infant School is a two-form entry community school for children from 3 to 7 years of age. It is situated in the heart of West Watford and the current building dates from 1989, although there has been a Chater School on the site for over 100 years. We are very proud of our diverse communities and celebrate the richness and vibrancy that the various cultures bring to our school.
At Chater we encourage all children and staff to have the highest aspirations and to have a growth mindset. We believe that all children and staff can achieve well and develop their abilities; we have high expectations of all our children and staff.
To help the staff to achieve their potential, we offer a wide range of training opportunities and are always keen to support their own learning and development. Chater is a brilliant place for teachers at different points of their careers and we value to knowledge, skills and expertise that new staff bring to our school.