Abbots Langley Primary School "Inspiring life-long learners"

Primary Three Rivers District



Abbots Langley Primary School is a great place to work!

We are an expanding two form entry primary with a nursery class. We are a thriving, popular and successful school with excellent facilities and set in extensive grounds in a village location. The staff are friendly, hardworking, supportive and keen to provide all the children with every opportunity to achieve their full potential. Abbots Langley is a learning environment for all and we are fully committed to staff development. The parents at Abbots Langley are interested and involved and the children are a pleasure to teach. Abbots Langley School leaders and Governors are committed to providing a safe and secure school for the benefit of its pupils and staff. This commitment is underpinned by rigorous monitoring of robust policies and guidance that safeguards pupils and protects staff.

