Year 6 Higher Level Teaching Assistant/Teaching Assistant

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About the role

Your role will involve working as part of a team, meeting regularly with the Class Teacher and reporting to the Special Educational Needs Coordinator when necessary. This post gives you the opportunity to join a friendly, vibrant staff, and will initially be offered as a fixed term contract.

Main purpose

To work with teachers to support teaching and learning, providing specialist support to the teacher in an aspect of the curriculum, age range or additional needs. The primary focus is to undertake specified work with individuals, groups and whole classes under the direction and supervision of a qualified teacher.

Key responsibilities

Provide cover supervision of classes, particularly year 6.

1. Provide learning activities for individuals and groups of pupils under the professional direction and supervision of a qualified teacher, differentiating and adapting learning programmes to suit the needs of allocated pupils.

2. Assess, record and report on development, progress and attainment as agreed with the teacher.

Monitor and record pupil responses and learning achievements, drawing any problems which cannot be resolved to the attention of the teacher.

Plan and evaluate specialist learning activities with the teacher, writing reports and records as required.

5. Select and adapt appropriate resources/ methods to facilitate agreed learning activities.

6. Support pupils in social and emotional well-being, reporting problems to the teacher as appropriate.

7. Teaching Assistants in this role are expected to undertake at least one of the following:

a) Provide specialist support to pupils with special educational needs, for example, learning, behavioural, communication, social, sensory or physical difficulties

b) Provide specialist support to pupils where English is not their first language

c) Provide specialist support to gifted and talented pupils

d) Provide specialist support to all pupils as directed by the Class Teacher

Teaching Assistants in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:

1. Establish and maintain relationships with families, carers and other adults, e.g., speech therapists.2.

3. Supervise the work of other support staff/ trainees

4. Be responsible for the preparation, maintenance and control of stocks of materials and resources.

5. Invigilate exams and tests.

6. Escort and supervise pupils on educational and out of school activities.

7. Guide and support pupils in their personal, emotional and social development.

8. Prepare and present displays.

9. Supervise individuals and groups of pupils throughout the day, including supervision in the classroom, playground and dining areas.

1 Assist pupils with eating, dressing and hygiene, as required, whilst encouraging independence.

Be involved in planning, organising and implementing individual development plans for pupils (such as Individual educational plans), including attendance at, and contribution to, reviews.

1 Work with pupils not working to the normal timetable.

The duties and responsibilities listed above describe the post as it is at present. The post holder is expected to accept any reasonable alterations that may from time to time be necessary.

Job Context

The jobholder is one of a team of teachers and assistants who support the learning of pupils. Flexibility by all staff is important in order to meet the varied needs of pupils.

Work will follow the learning patterns appropriate to the school day and year group under the direction, guidance and direct supervision of the classroom teacher.

Under the direction and supervision of a teacher, takes responsibility for providing learning activities for groups of pupils, assessing pupil needs on a lesson-by-lesson basis and differentiating and altering learning programmes as appropriate. Supports learning by selecting suitable activities/ methods for learning activities.

Knowledge, Skills & Abilities

Requires knowledge and procedures for supporting and leading learning activities in a specialist area.

Knowledge and skills equivalent to the core and optional NOS in Supporting teaching and learning that underpin National Qualifications at level 3; including knowledge of a specialist aspect of supporting learning and teaching (see 7a-d above) or equivalent experience.

Resolves problems in relation to providing learning activities.

May contribute to planning of activities for the session, day or week.

Communicates with pupils to promote learning, including assessing the impact of the communication on recipients and adjusting approach as necessary. Exchanges information with staff, parents/ carers.

Knowledge and compliance with policies and procedures relevant to child protection and health and safety.

Setting up and use of educational equipment and/or keyboard skills


The jobholder will usually be managed by a member of the school's senior management team or by a more senior teaching assistant but may work with several teachers.

Day to day direction/ supervision will usually come from the class teacher or individual covering the class in the absence of the class teacher to whom they are assigned.

The post holder will follow detailed instructions and/or is closely supervised with little scope for discretion; problems are generally referred.

May occasionally support, advise and/ or monitor less experienced teaching assistants/ students.

Some day-to-day allocation of work to other staff, requiring occasional supervisory responsibility.

The post holder may demonstrate own duties to new or less experienced staff.

Problems, Demands & Decisions

Follows detailed instructions and/ or is closely supervised with little scope for discretion; problems are generally referred.

Working with individuals or groups of pupils requiring mental and sensory concentration; work is regularly interrupted as part of the normal working pattern.

Occasionally exposed to emotionally demanding behaviours and situations as a result of attending to pupils’ personal needs and assisting with behaviour management.

May have demands arising from ongoing involvement with pupils with special educational needs


Responsible for selecting and/or ordering supplies in liaison with the business and administration function, under direction.

Responsible for the careful and safe use of equipment such as play and standard ICT equipment.

Will record confidential pupil data.

Physical Effort

Combination of standing, sitting or walking.

Requirement for standing for long periods and/ or working in awkward positions e.g., sitting on low chairs.

The job may involve lifting children, for example after falls or accidents.

Working Environment

Some exposure to unpleasant conditions, including noise; outdoor working; verbal abuse.

Some occasional support required to support pupils with toileting issues where nappies are being used.

The job may include clearing up blood or other bodily fluids of children after accident or sudden illness.


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