About the role
Are you ready to work at a school that appreciates the importance and challenge of your role?
Swallow Dell Primary is looking to recruit a teaching and learning assistant to work in our lower KS2. This role will invovle:
- supporting complex needs of individuals (including stautory EHCP work)
- supporting groups of children in class
- supporting the work of class teachers across a year group
- potentially some occassional class cover
The school is going through an exciting and ambitious period of change with a largely new leadership team in place since September 2023. The senior leadership team are ambitious and have a clear vision for how best to support the range of needs seen across the school so that all children can thrive.
Swallow Dell is in Welwyn Garden City, close to the town centre and is well served with transport links. The school is a two-form entry with a Nursery provision, housed in two separate buildings. The school is fortunate to have some of the largest and most impressive school grounds of any primary school and there is a wealth of space and resources on site that children regularly access.
Swallow Dell is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The successful candidate will undergo full DBS checks
Visits to the school are welcomed; please contact the Admin team to make an appointment.
Please look at our website for further information about the school on www.swallowdell.co.uk Please apply online at teachinherts.
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