Helping students to access the content of lessons and to respond to tasks given.
Contributing to curriculum differentiation which takes into account student’s needs and difficulties.
Helping to promote the development of student’s literacy and numeracy skills so that he can achieve his potential in both.
Monitoring & developing student’s attention, listening and concentration skills.
Monitoring student’s social communication and interaction and to implement actions that will promote positive development in these and integration with his peers.
Helping the student to develop his verbal comprehension, extend his expressive language and clarity of speech.
Promoting the development of student’s fine and gross motor skills.
Promoting and supporting group work and both structured & unstructured activities that will provide opportunities for the student to develop the above skills & to experience & recognise success.
Assisting in the planning and implementation of a student's individual education plan.
Monitoring and attending to student’s behavioural and emotional needs and to promote his well being, self-awareness and independence.
To be a key worker and named contact for the student(s).
To liaise with staff in order to ensure that awareness of their needs remains high profile.
To contribute to information for staff & reviews in order to inform planning & to ensure up to date information on their progress.
Attend INSET sessions and meetings as necessary and appropriate.
To support Literacy interventions during form time.
To provide support during form time registration for identified class groups.