Our settings include:
Barley and Barkway (VA) Church of England Federation of First Schools, is a Federation of two small schools in delightful Hertfordshire villages just two miles apart, close to Royston in North Hertfordshire. From 2018, all children apart from Nursery and Reception are taught in single year groups. Our younger children, Nursery/Reception and Year 1 are taught in Barkway where we have close links with Barkway Preschool, also on site. Years 2, 3 and 4 are taught in Barley and enjoy a massive school field. Between the two villages lies our Forest School. Our staff are a professional, friendly and supportive team who work closely to ensure the best for our children. Please be in touch if you would like to work in schools that have high expectations for all and a caring Christian ethos that permeates all we do.